2014年5月8日 星期四

One Month Left before Graduation!!

    Not until this week did I realize that it is only one month left before graduation! Although I want to slow down the pace to enjoy the last, precious moment on campus, I am overwhelmed by lots of reports and tests. At the same time, I have to make time to prepare the paper work for the exchange program and organize the accommodation and the plane ticket. It's true that I am very excited about the exchange experience in Europe, but I start to feel sad about leaving NCCU. One of my friends told me that she wanted to step in to the restaurants that she has never experienced before. And to me, what I want to do most is to play guitar and hang out with my friends in the guitar club in the administration building again; however, since administration building has undergone the repair process, it isn't likely to happen. Still, I want to play basketball with my friends and experience the delight freedom while running on the court. It occurs to me that I still have lots of things to do as a college student, but time stop me to do so like a governor. I believe that college life is the most cherish period in my life and I will miss it badly when entering the society.

